Each company on the NZDPU has its own Company Profile, which contains all data available (current and historical) on the NZDPU. You can access a Company Profile by locating the company of interest on the Companies page, Data Explorer, or by using the search feature on the top navigation.
The NZDPU Data Explorer allows you to build data tables for multiple companies and reporting years at once. The Data Explorer has two modes:
You can access the NZDPU Data Guide in multiple places and formats.
The NZDPU requires users to be logged into their NZDPU account to download data. NZDPU accounts are free for everyone. You can create a free account in minutes.
For the proof of concept, the NZDPU offers the Download All Data feature for a sample of companies to preview future systematic download functionality.
By creating an NZDPU account, you can enjoy the benefits of downloading data and generating access tokens to use NZDPU’s APIs. NZDPU accounts are free.
Yes. The APIs have the same functionalities and data as those which are available on the Companies, Data Explorer, and Company Profile web interfaces.
I’m seeing some fields in t2CO and some in t2COe, what is the difference?
T2COe, which stands for tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent, is a measurement of the total greenhouse gasses emitted, expressed in terms of the equivalent measurement of carbon dioxide when the respective Global Warming Potential (GWP) values and time horizons of each greenhouse gas included in an inventory has been accounted for. In contrast, t2CO (or tonnes of carbon dioxide) solely reflects carbon dioxide emissions and does not account for any other greenhouse gasses. Note that 2CO emissions can also be presented in units of 2COe, where 1 t2CO = 1 t2COe.
For a given emissions field in a given year, the NZDPU displays the emissions figure in either—but not both—t2COe or tonnes of t2CO.
For the proof of concept, CDP has supplied an initial set of direct (Scope 1) and indirect (Scope 2 and Scope 3) GHG emissions, and GHG emissions reduction targets data from 382 companies that disclose publicly through CDP. As such, for each data point, the source column is populated based on the relevant CDP Climate Change questionnaire for that year. To learn more, click here.
An “N/A” (“Not Applicable”) value indicates that the field is not applicable based on the reporting entity’s response to a precursor data field. For example, if an entity indicates that it is not disclosing Scope 2 market-based emissions, then all related Scope 2 emissions fields would have an “N/A” value. This does not imply that the fields are necessarily not applicable to the entity, rather that the company has indicated that they are not disclosing the associated section.
A “-” value indicates that the data field does not have a value. This could mean that a company did not disclose the answer to an applicable field, or that the data source did not include this data field in the NZDPU Core Data Model. For example, if an entity indicates that they are disclosing Scope 2 location-based emissions but does not disclose the methodology used, then the Scope 2 location-based emissions methodology field would display “-”.
In the case that the data source does not contain a field in the NZDPU Data Model, the source info for the field would display as "N/A."
" - other" fields: These data fields include data where an entity has disclosed information via open text, as opposed to one of the options in the source's drop-down list.
There are many reasons a company’s reported emissions can change year-over-year (YOY), in addition to changes in absolute emissions. It is important to view emissions figures in context of their underlying methodologies, which can be referenced in the Methodology, Change in Calculation Methodology, and Exclusion sections in the Company Profile.
Many companies are using increasingly sophisticated and accurate methodologies to calculate their greenhouse gas emissions. Thus, YOY changes in reported emissions may be due to greater availability of data, more sophisticated calculation methodology, or a greater scope of business operations included in the calculations. Other events, such as mergers and acquisitions, may also result in YOY variances for a given company.