The NZDPU’s mission is to provide a trusted, central source of company-level climate data that is transparent and openly accessible to all.

Recommended by the Climate Data Steering Committee

In June 2022, French President Emmanuel Macron and the United Nations Special Envoy for Climate Ambition and Solutions Michael R. Bloomberg founded the Climate Data Steering Committee (CDSC). The CDSC aims to support the climate objectives of the UN and accelerate climate action by driving forward global momentum for the private sector to report and disclose key climate data critical to delivering a net-zero economy.

In November 2022, the CDSC published recommendations for the development of a unified, global, open climate data repository: the Net-Zero Data Public Utility (NZDPU). The NZDPU is designed to be integrated with the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change’s Global Climate Action Portal.

The CDSC and its advisors oversee the NZDPU’s ongoing and iterative development and will consider further recommendations for enhancements going forward.

CDSC Members

The CDSC brings together an unparalleled group of global leaders including regulators, policymakers, and standards setters, informed by data providers and civil society organizations, to help address climate data challenges across the global economy.

Ashley Alder

Chair, Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), United Kingdom

Bertrand Dumont

Director General, French Treasury, France

Daniela Stoffel

State Secretary for International Finance, Swiss Federal Department of Finance, Switzerland

Emmanuel Faber

Chair, International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB)

Fatih Birol

Executive Director, International Energy Agency (IEA)

Herbert Krapa

Minister-of-State in charge of Energy, Ghana

Jean-Paul Servais

Chair, International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)

Klaas Knot

Chair, Financial Stability Board (FSB)

Kristalina Georgieva

Managing Director, International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Mairead McGuinness

Commissioner for Financial Stability, Financial Services and the Capital Markets Union, European Commission

Mario Marcel

Minister of Finance, Chile

Mary Schapiro

Chair, Climate Data Steering Committee (CDSC)

Mathias Cormann

Secretary-General, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Patrick de Cambourg

Chair of Sustainability Reporting Board, European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG)

Sabine Mauderer

Chair, Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS)

Shigeru Ariizumi

Vice Minister for International Affairs, Japan Financial Services Agency

Simon Stiell

Executive Secretary, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

CDSC Observers

Catherine McKenna

Chair, United Nations Secretary-General’s High-level Expert Group on Net-Zero Commitments

Ravi Menon

Ambassador for Climate Action, Singapore


Accelerating the transition toward a net-zero economy.

A Team of Experts

Core Team

Supported by Michael R. Bloomberg, the NZDPU core team is composed of experts from the climate data, product development, engineering, and policy fields.

Technical Advisory Board Members:

A Technical Advisory Board (TAB or Advisory Board) was formed to consult on the technical development of the NZDPU. The Advisory Board will provide regular feedback to the NZDPU on the NZDPU’s implementation of the CDSC’s recommendations and will provide advice to the NZDPU on the technical feasibility of any additional guidance/recommendations issued by the CDSC.

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